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Who Knew?

I Saw Big Foot!!


I Saw Big Foot!!

My husband and I went to the first annual Big Foot Festival in Marion, NC. It’s a small town but A LOT of people showed up for this festival, which was great for the economy. Steven and I went because the advertisements made it look like fun and, well, I wanted a big foot tee-shirt. It seems Marion underestimated the number of people they would get at this festival. It was hot, people where shoulder to shoulder, pretty much everyone sold out of big foot tee shirts, and they needed more bathroom access. But, we had a good time. My date (my husband) was great company, we laughed as we walked from vendor to vendor on the closed-off street, we met some very interesting people, and we even saw a couple of Big Foots (or is it Big Feet?). We are actually planning on going back next year. I think there might be a story in there somewhere. 

By the way, I got my big foot tee shirt, I ordered it online!


Mushrooms in My Yard


Mushrooms in My Yard

I think mushrooms are really cool organisms. I don’t know much about identifying them; I just like looking at them. After lots of rain, they simply appear. You don’t know when, where, or what kind, but the spores are hanging around and the mushrooms just show up. 

I leave them in my yard when they appear because I like how they look. All sorts of varieties, shapes, and colors; it is all part of nature’s visual artwork. 

When I see these little creations of nature, it reminds me of walking through the woods at my childhood home; mushrooms would be scattered throughout the woods. There were also lots of books I read as a child with illustrations of fairies sitting on the tops of the mushrooms. 

We have had a lot of rain here in Charlotte lately and when I walk around in my yard I find mushrooms all over. I think they are lovely and when I see them they inspire stories. They remind me of legends, folktales, my youth, the woods, and my childhood home. In fact, I think there is even something spiritual about these lovely little things just appearing. 

Here are some pictures of the mushrooms that have appeared in my yard this week. One of them even has a little buddy attached to it; a snail is taking refuge under the umbrella of one of them. Can you find it? 

You can also get lots of information about mushrooms simply by searching for mushrooms. Here is one reference I found that you might find interesting. 


A-Bomb Drops in SC (really!)


A-Bomb Drops in SC (really!)

I want to go to Mars Bluff, SC. As near as it is to Charlotte, I’ve never been there. I know, you are wondering... what is in Mars Bluff? Where is Mars Bluff? Why would you want to go there?

The name kind of sounds like an alien resort; it is not, of course, but what happened there is so, oh my gosh, interesting. Mars Bluff is a small community in Florence County, SC. On March 11, 1958, an Air Force Boeing B-47 was flying over the area with a nuclear bomb on board. Captain Koehler, the pilot, noted a fault light in the cockpit indicating an issue with the bomb’s harness. He notified Captain Kulka, navigator and bombardier, to check on the bomb. As Kulka was doing just that, he needed to steady himself and accidentally hit the emergency release (time for a dramatic pause)… and down, down, down went the bomb. It landed in, you guessed it, Mars Bluff.


The nuclear core was not on the bomb, but there was still enough explosive material to create a crater about 70 feet wide and 35 feet deep! There is a marker there and everything! When I read about this all I could say was, “Oh, my gosh”!! Of course there is more to the story and here is a link to additional information — check it out and you’ll say, “Oh, my gosh!” too.

Mars Bluff is on my 2018 list of things I am going to do. It is not a huge thing, or an enormous trip. I realize it might even be anticlimactic, but I want to go to Mars Bluff to see the crater where the nuclear bomb dropped in South Carolina. I’ll let you know when I get there.

Leave a comment and let me know what local thing you want to do in 2018!

 Here is a link to pictures of Mars


Holy Flying Frogs, Batman!!


Holy Flying Frogs, Batman!!

I was scouting around for some trivia today. I sometimes just type in something on the internet and see what bits of information show up. Today I just typed in flying frog and I nearly croaked to find out there are really such strange creatures in this world. I had no idea, did you?

They are actually called Wallace’s Flying Frogs, and ok, so they really glide but I hope you can leap over that fact and hop along with me on this amphibian journey. They are named after Alfred Russel Wallace, a British naturalist and biologist (1823-1913), who discovered these creatures in the tropical jungles of Malaysia and Borneo.


Flying frogs' feet are large and webbed; they are called "flying" frogs because they can descend at a less than 45 degree angle, their webbed feet working like four little parachutes to glide them safely to the ground. How cool is that? They don’t have wings but they do work with what they've got. They don’t need wings to fly.

I’m telling you the truth, I’m not am-FIB-ian. After all, I read it on the web. Click below to read it for yourself!
