Covid-19 isn’t really just an elephant–it is more like a whole herd of them.  This is a situation none of us has ever been through and it is certainly affecting the whole world.

Might I encourage everyone to be kind during this time? Give a call to your neighbor, FaceTime with friends, and text with your family more often. This is where technology can be a  benefit to all of us so we can stay connected.  I know I have been contacted about online groups starting in support of one another; I’m getting involved! Look at ways you can be involved with people who have a common interest.

Be kind to yourself too. Take a few moments to breathe deeply, watch a funny movie, play games with your kids, maybe build a fort out of blankets just because it is fun.

I find this clip from the Carol Burnett show hysterical and just in case you need something funny to watch, here is a story Tim Conway tells about elephants.

