Thanksgiving is the BEST holiday for stories! Friends and family gather around a table and raise a glass, eat turkey, and enjoy the feast. Someone will say something like, “Do you remember when…?” or “When I was little…” Then another person will say, “Last Thanksgiving, we all were…”

Then someone drops the cranberry sauce on the floor and someone announces, “Well, that’ll be a story for next year!” (and it will be!).

Thanksgiving is a celebration of abundance, family, friends, and recognition of the past year: the good, the challenges, the sadness, and the hope for the year to come.

This year my family is a bit ‘up in the air’ about Thanksgiving. We are not sure exactly where we will be, but we know we will be with family (I’ll explain more about that next week.). Wherever we are, we will be celebrating and adding to our family stories. We will rejoice, we will cry, we will remember those who have left this earth, we will cuddle and love the new little ones that have joined our crazy, amazing, annoying, weird, fun filled, dysfunctional, normal (is normal a real thing?) loving and caring clan.

As you celebrate your Thanksgiving with family, friends, neighbors, and even people you don’t like, may I wish you happy stories, joyous memories, and good thoughts for the coming year.

May I also add, YOU are an important part of the story.

