Lona Bartlett

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Daddy's Rolaids Bottle

There is a Rolaids bottle sitting on shelf in my house. It is special to me. Really, it is! I'm sure you've scrunched up one side of your face wondering how a plastic bottle that says Rolaids on it could have extra significance to me. 

There is a story in it. Years ago, my father would buy Rolaids and take them for his heartburn, which he often had. Then he would save the bottle and put pennies in it. The bottle that sits on my shelf is ¾ of the way filled with pennies. When I look at it, I see my dad taking a penny out of his pocket, opening the lid of that plastic jar and dropping it in there. I laugh at the memory: Daddy had Rolaids bottles scattered here and there  throughout the house, each one worth its weight in pennies.

Every cent in my little bottle was held by my father; he touched every one of them and valued them all because “a penny saved is a penny earned.” My father left the earth more than two decades ago, and I miss him every day. Yep, that plastic bottle of pennies is special, and it will remain on my shelf in an honored place.